A statue honoring “comfort women” was erected in the Taiwanese city of Tainan this week,
marking Taiwan’s first public monument to women who were forced to work in Japanese military brothels during WWII.
According to the Japan Times, the monument was unveiled in a ceremony on August 14,
which was timed to coincide with the inaugural “Memorial Day for Japanese Forces’ Comfort Women Victims” recently instituted by South Korea.
The statue depicts a girl with her arms raised “to show her resistance” and stands in the city’s commercial district,
writes Hideshi Nishimoto of the Asahi Shimbun.
今週、台湾の台南市で "従軍慰安婦" を記念する最初の公式な像が建てられた。像はWW2を通じて日本軍の性処理施設での労働を強いられた女性を表している。
Japan Timesによると像は今年が初となる "日本軍慰安婦被害者記念日" 、8月14日に合わせて公開された。これは最近になって韓国で制定された記念日だ。
朝日新聞のHideshi Nishimotoによると、少女を象った像は台南市の商業区域に建てられ、 "彼女の抵抗" を示すため両手を上に掲げている。
The new monument was erected by a non-profit group called the Tainan Association for Comfort Women’s Rights,
and the Taiwanese government was not involved in plans for the statue. Former Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou did attend the ceremony,
however, and called on Japan to issue an apology and provide reparations for its wartime actions.
Taiwan already has a museum dedicated to the women used as sex slaves by Japan’s military, known euphemistically as “comfort women."
But the new public memorial has nevertheless sparked tensions between Japan and Taiwan.
Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga called the monument “extremely disappointing” during a news conference,
prompting Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to emphasize its support for comfort women.
“The government has always paid close attention to the issue of comfort women,” MOFA spokesperson Andrew Lee said in a statement,
according to Stacy Hsu of the Taipei Times. “Our stance on the matter, as well as our policy to fight for their dignity, remains unchanged.”
この新しいモニュメントはTainan Association for Comfort Women’s Rightsと呼ばれる非営利団体によって立てられ、台湾政府は計画に関与していない。
台湾にはすでに日本軍によって性奴隷として使われた女性たち、婉曲な言い方で "従軍慰安婦" のための展示館がある。
日本の菅義偉官房長官は記者会見でこのモニュメントを "甚だしく残念" としつつ、台湾の外交当局に慰安婦女性への支援に重点を置くよう促した。
Taipei TimesのStacy Hsuによると、台湾外交当局スポークスマンのAndrew Leeは "政府は慰安婦問題について常に細心の注意を払ってきた"
"この問題に関する我々の立場は、彼女たちの威厳に対するポリシーと同じく、現在も変わっていない" と述べた。
This is not the first time that Japan has pushed back against efforts to commemorate the plight of comfort women.
Last fall, the city of Osaka threatened to cut ties with San Francisco, its sister city,
after a monument honoring comfort women was erected in San Francisco’s downtown square. In the wake of that incident,
Jun Yamada, the Japanese consul general in San Francisco, said that while Japan takes the issue of comfort women seriously,
it opposes memorials that frame history in a “one-sided” manner, “without presenting credible evidence.”
また総領事の山田淳は、従軍慰安婦問題は日本にとって深刻な問題であり、"信頼に足る証拠の提示なしに" "一方的な" 態度で歴史を規定する記念碑に反対すると述べた。
According to a United Nations report, Japan first began using military brothels, or “comfort stations,” in 1932,
but the practice became widespread as Japanese soldiers spread to various parts of East Asia during WWII.
These military brothels “seem to have been found wherever the Japanese army was based,” the report states,
and are known to have existed in “China, Taiwan, Borneo, the Philippines, many of the Pacific Islands, Singapore,
Malaya, Burma and Indonesia.” To procure enough women to meet the demands of the army, recruiters resorted to
“deception … violence and outright coercion,” according to the report.
It is not clear how many women were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese army; estimates range from 20,000 to 200,000.
Many victims of the brutal system were South Korean, but the Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation has estimated that around
2,000 Taiwanese women were forced to work in the brothels, reports Hsu of the Taipei Times.
Only two of these women are known to be alive today.
国連の報告によれば日本が最初に "慰安所" =軍の性処理施設を使い始めたのは1932年だが、
報告によると、これら軍の性処理施設は "日本軍が駐屯したところならどこにでも設置されたと見られる" とされ、
"中国、台湾、ボルネオ、フィリピン、太平洋諸島、シンガポール、マラヤ、ビルマ、インドネシア" に存在したことが知られている。
軍の要求に見合う数の女性を調達するため、調達者は "虚偽、暴力、公然の強制" と報告は伝えている。
Taipei TimesのHsuによるとTaipei Women’s Rescue Foundationは2000人の台湾人女性が性処理施設で働くことを強要されたと推定している。
In 1993, Japan formally acknowledged its use of comfort women. In 1995, the government established the Asian Women’s Fund,
which offered compensation of 2 million yen (now worth around $18,000) and a letter of apology
from then-prime minister Tomiichi Murayama to victims from South Korea, Taiwan and other countries.
But according to Ami Lynch, professor of women's studies at George Washington University,
activists opposed the gesture because the compensation money came from private citizens, not the government.
Hsu reports that some former Taiwanese comfort women “refused to accept the money as they felt it did not show that
the Japanese government was taking responsibility for [its] actions.” The fund stopped for Taiwanese victims in 2002.
しかしワシントン大学のAmi Lynch女性学教授によると、活動家らはこの対応に反対している。償いの資金が、政府でなく民間から支出されているためだ。
Hsuによると台湾人元慰安婦女性の何人かは "日本政府が責任を果たしたと感じられないため、金の受け取りを拒否した" という。
On August 14, the same day that the Tainan statue was unveiled, a number of commemorative activities took place in South Korea,
which has been at the forefront of efforts to gain acknowledgement and compensation for former comfort women.
“The comfort women issue is not just a historical problem between South Korea and Japan,”
South Korean President Moon Jae-in said during a ceremony at a national cemetery in Cheonan, according to the Japan Times.
“But it is an issue of sexual abuse upon women during wartime and at the same time an issue of women’s rights.”
韓国の文在寅大統領はCheonanの国立墓地での式典で "従軍慰安婦問題は日韓間の歴史問題にとどまらない"
"それは戦時下の女性に対する性的虐待、そして同時に女性の権利に関する問題だ" と述べたと、Japan Timesは伝えている。
いずれ、韓国が滅びたらわかるんじゃね。 慰安婦強制連行捏造の主犯は社民党の福島瑞穂とか、
9 マンセー名無しさん2018/08/28(火) 18:34:57.40 ID:t+nTPN3j
New Party Taipei city councilor candidates yesterday parked a statue of a “comfort woman” on the back of a truck
outside the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association’s offices as they launched a series of events to demand an official apology from the Japanese government.
A group led by candidates Su Heng (蘇恆), Lin Ming-cheng (林明正) and Hou Han-ting (侯漢廷),
as well as party spokesman Wang Ping-chung (王炳忠), placed the statue on the back of a small truck parked on Taipei’s Qingcheng Street,
where the de facto embassy is. “Placing the statue in front of the office has symbolic significance,” the party said in a statement.
“It shows that women who were abused by the Japanese army can now stand up against its injustice and militarism with the support of fellow Taiwanese.”
台湾のミニ野党 "新党" の台北市議候補者らは昨日、荷台に "従軍慰安婦" の像を載せたトラックを日台交流協会事務所のそばに停めた。これは日本政府に公式な謝罪を求めるべく始めた活動の一環だ。
蘇恆、林明正、侯漢廷は党スポークスマンの王炳忠とともに、像を載せた小さなトラックを台北のQingcheng Streetに停めた。そこは事実上の大使館がある場所だ。
一行は声明で "事務所前に像を置くことは、象徴的な意味がある" "日本軍に虐待された女性たちはその不正義と軍国主義に対し、台湾の仲間とともに今こそ立ち上がることを表している" と述べた。
コンテクストと無縁の鳴き声しか理解しないネトウヨはもう言ってもムダだけど 欧米サヨ「性奴隷なんて許せません!」
22 ごきぶりだもんねえええ。ねとうよは。ざまああああ。