Right Now, The Nintendo Switch Is Dominating In Japan
Here is how the best-selling video games at Japanese retail for the week of August 13 to August 19.
1. Minecraft (Switch): 25,948 copies sold
2. Splatoon 2 (Switch): 24,188
3. Taiko no Tatsujin Nintendo Switch Version (Switch): 21,109
4. Mario Kart 8 DX (Switch): 20,346
5. WarioWare Gold (3DS): 20,142
6. Mario Tennis Aces (Switch): 18,520
7. Pro Yakyuu Famista Evolution (Switch): 13,259
8. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Switch): 12,111
9. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch): 9,682
10. Kirby Star Allies (Switch): 8,707
11. Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon (3DS): 8,447
12. Octopath Traveler (Switch): 8,002
13. Super Mario Odyssey (Switch): 7,066
14. Yakuza 3 (PS4): 6,753
15. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (3DS): 5,766
16. Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy DX (Switch): 5,101
17. Okami (Switch): 4,758
18. Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit (Switch): 4,703
19. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2018 (PS4): 3,449
20. Fire Pro Wrestling World (PS4): 3,326
Below are the retail hardware sales numbers:
1. Switch: 54,647
2. PS4: 20,911
3. New 2DS LL: 7,872
4. PS4 Pro: 4,932
5. New3DS LL: 3,316
6. Vita: 3,083
7. 2DS: 708
8. Xbox One: 51
9. Xbox One X: 45
>ハード市場ではNintendo Switchが60.6%のシェアを占め他機種を圧倒。次いでPS4が24.2%と約4分の1を占め、両機種で実に84.8%を占有。
一方、ソフト市場でもNintendo Switchが54.8%と過半数を占有。
今後もPS4とNintendo Switchの2強体制が続くと思われる