Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 3時間3時間前 The dangers of US-Chinese confrontation over trade are amplified by the fact that both sides seem to believe that they will ultimately prevail ? Gideon Rachman
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 5時間5時間前 Gideon Rachman: The world is on the very brink of a major trade war between the US and China ? and it is unlikely to end quickly.
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 5時間5時間前 The EU’s top Brexit negotiator has just said a deal could be struck with the UK in the next 6 to 8 weeks ? and it's helped the pound
【ソウル聯合ニュース】韓国の世論調査会社リアルメーターが10日に発表した調査結果 によると、文在寅(ムン・ジェイン)大統領の支持率は前週から1.7ポイント下がり、 53.5%となった。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moon's Approval Rating Plunges Below 50% By Hong Young-lim, Jeong Woo-sangSep 10, 2018 12:52 文大統領の支持率がはじめて50%を割り込み、先週の53%から49%に低下
President Moon Jae-in's approval rating has fallen below 50 percent level for the first time since he took office. Gallup Korea last Friday said the biggest factors behind the decline were economic woes, including the minimum wage hike, job shortage, and real estate market volatility, which soured public opinion. The proportion of people who feel that Moon is doing a good job fell from 53 percent in the first week of September to 49 percent, while that of those who feel he is doing a bad job rose from 38 to 42 percent. The difference has narrowed to less than 10
名称は「‘Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies Act」(国の補助金支出をゼロにすることで悪徳雇用主を阻止する法案)と言い、 又の名を「Stop Bezos Act」(ベゾスを止めろ法案)と言うそうです。 Bezosとはもちろん、アマゾンのボス、ジェフ・ベゾス氏を指します。一体、どういうことか。
A pending $200 billion list would extend further into consumer goods, and the threat of an additional $267 billion would basically cover every Chinese export to the United States. China has threatened retaliation, which could include action against U.S. companies operating there. Washington has demanded that Beijing better protect American intellectual property, cut its U.S. trade surplus, allow U.S. companies greater access to its markets and roll back its high-technology industrial subsidy programs.
The business coalition includes groups representing some of the nation’s largest companies. Among them, the American Petroleum Institute, which represents the largest refiners like Exxon Mobil Corp and Chevron Corp, and the Retail Industry Leaders Association, which represents companies like Target Corp and Autozone Inc.
“There has been a lot of work that has been going on over the last eight months to try to persuade the president and the administration that tariffs are not going to work. Our view is that it’s not too late,” said Dean Garfield, chief executive of the Information Technology Industry Council, whose members include Microsoft Corp, Google owner Alphabet Inc and Apple Inc.
“This is almost every sector of the American economy involved,” said David French, the top lobbyist for the NRF.
ANALYSIS ? I have argued repeatedly that while the House is up for grabs ? and indeed likely to flip to the Democrats in November ? the Senate is not in play. I now believe that it is, so I must revise and extend my remarks. Only about three weeks ago, I reiterated my view that Democrats didn’t have a path to a net gain of two Senate seats, which they need for a chamber majority. But a flurry of state and national polls conducted over the past few weeks suggest Democratic prospects have improved noticeably, giving the party a difficult but discernible route for control. 3週間前まで民主党が差し引き2議席を得ることはありそうにないと見られてきた。 しかし先週の世論調査結果を見ると、其れは困難であるが、ありえないとは言えない。 (以下に激戦区の状況解説があるけれど省略)
Updated Sep. 12, 2018, at 6:38 PM 1 in 3 Chance Democrats win control (32.4%) 民主党の上院過半数支配の確率は32.4% 2 in 3 Chance Republicans keep control (67.6%) 共和党の上院過半数支配の確率は67.6%
Elizabeth Warren is often bracketed with Bernie Sanders, a fellow folk hero of the party’s progressive activists, and a competitor for much of the same support base she will need to win the nomination. But Warren is not attempting to out-Bernie Bernie. She is trying to co-opt his support without copying his platform. The Massachusetts senator has made a series of unusually early moves that, taken together, suggest a well-designed strategy to compete across the spectrum of the Democratic Party without risking her viability in a general election. エリザベス・ウォーレンは同じような民主党支持層を持つと見られるバニー・サンダースと 共に語られることがあるが、しかしウォーレンはサンダースの(社会主義的な)政策とは異 なる政策を持ちサンダースと支持層のサポートを得ようとしている。マサチューセッツ州の 上院議員である彼女は次期大統領選に出馬を示唆し、良く練られた戦略で民主党全体の支持 を得ようとしている。
ウォーレンはサンダースと異なって資本主義を支持し、その欠陥を補正する政策を言う。 She has called herself “a capitalist to my bones” (or, at other times, her “ankles.”) “There are so many people right now who argue against these reforms and other reforms, who claim they are pro-business,” she told Franklin Foer, “They’re not. They’re pro- monopoly. They’re pro?concentration of power, which crushes competition.” It is also notable that Warren has directed some of the messaging for her early moves at economic liberals like Foer and Vox’s Matthew Yglesias, who would have a more skeptical view of Sanders-style socialism. She even touted her plans in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.
Warren is running on a progressive platform that, if enacted, would sharply curtail political and economic inequality. But unlike Sanders, she is building a profile designed to compete for swing voters also, rather than solely to inspire progressive activists. The distinction can be seen in her rhetoric, policy substance, and choice of emphasis. サンダースと異なってウォーレンの戦略は進歩派のプラットフォームに立つが、其の層 だけではなく中間派のスイングボーターを取りこむことを狙っている。
What stands out about both ideas is the coherent strategy they reflect not only to distinguish Warren from other Democrats, but to position her effectively against Donald Trump. ウォーレンの戦略は民主党内の競合者のみならず、トランプへの対抗を効果的ならしめる。 それは: First, they directly attack the most glaring political weakness of Trump and his Republican allies: the nexus of corruption and self-enrichment that has defined the Trump era. Trump is enriching himself and his family in office, and Republicans are allowing him to do so because he signs policies that enrich them and their donors ? in some cases, through literal graft, and in other cases through routine Republican policies like corporate tax cuts, deregulation of polluters, exploitative for-profit colleges, Wall Street, and other wrongdoers.
Second, they are all popular issues. Huge supermajorities support disclosing presidential tax returns and bans on lobbying by former officials. One poll found public support for electing workers to corporate boards by a 30-point margin. The poll’s wording may have tilted the result ? it asked about “allowing” workers to elect members to corporate boards, rather than requiring the firms to reserve seats for workers.
Third, neither Warren’s corporate reforms nor her political reforms carry any fiscal cost. The weak spot not only of Sanders’s policies but of the entire progressive agenda is that they are difficult to finance solely by raising taxes on the rich. And when they require taxing the middle class, even popular social policies get unpopular fast.(後略)
Democrat Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum is leading Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) by 4 points in Florida’s gubernatorial race, according to a new Florida Chamber of Commerce poll released Wednesday. Gillum leads DeSantis 47 percent to 43 percent in the statewide poll. The Democrat also leads his Republican opponent in all major media markets across the state except Jacksonville, according to the poll.
かつて英国領だったうちの49国が同性愛禁止法を持ち、 うち31国は植民地時代の同性愛禁止法制を受け継いでいる。 ・・・Across the world, from South America to Asia, an estimated 49 formerly British-administered countries continue to criminalize homosexuality. Out of those, 31 still have laws based on the original colonial anti-LGBT legislation, according to Lucas Mendos, co-author of the 2017 ILGA "State-Sponsored Homophobia." This includes countries as diverse as Malaysia, Pakistan and Uganda.・・・
米紙ワシントン・ポストの著名記者ボブ・ウッドワード氏がトランプ政権の内幕を描いた 新著「Fear: Trump in the White House(仮訳:恐怖 ホワイトハウスのトランプ)」が 好調な売れ行きを見せている。 「Fear」を手掛けた米CBS傘下の出版社サイモン・アンド・シュスターによると、発売初 日だった11日の販売部数は75万部を突破した。
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 1時間1時間前 The FT View: 'Nationalism and protectionism are chipping away at the very system of international co-operation that helped contain the last financial crash'
【ワシントン=芦塚智子】トランプ米大統領は13日、昨年自治領プエルトリコに甚大な 被害をもたらしたハリケーンに関してツイッターで「3千人も死んでいない」と投稿し、 プエルトリコ当局が公式発表した死者数を否定した。高齢などの理由で亡くなった人も 含まれている可能性があると指摘し、自分の顔をつぶそうとする民主党の仕業だと主張 した。 トランプ氏はこのハリケーンへの対応が不十分だったとして批判されており、今回の投 稿も問題化する可能性がある。 ------------------------------------------------------------- 'Mr. President. SHUT UP': Florida Republicans pan Trump's Puerto Rico conspiracy By MARC CAPUTO 09/13/2018 11:19 AM EDT Updated 09/13/2018 12:11 PM EDT 「大統領閣下、やめてください」フロリダ州の中間選挙に面する共和党員がトランプの プエルトリコ発言に抗議
“I disagree with @POTUS? an independent study said thousands were lost and Gov. Rossello agreed. I've been to Puerto Rico 7 times & saw devastation firsthand,” Scott, the Republican nominee for Senate, wrote hours later on Twitter. “The loss of any life is tragic; the extent of lives lost as a result of Maria is heart wrenching. I'll continue to help PR.” “Ron DeSantis is committed to standing with the Puerto Rican community, especially after such a tragic loss of life. He doesn't believe any loss of life has been inflated,” DeSantis’ campaign said. Alan Levine, a Republican appointed Scott to Florida’s university governing board, couldn’t keep quiet.
“Mr. President. SHUT UP,” Levine replied to Trump on Twitter. “Any death, whether one or 3,000 is a tragedy. That doesn’t mean you caused it, and its not about you. Show compassion for the families,” Levine wrote. “Learn what we can so future response can improve. Honestly....”
Medical education Laugh: Akira Horiuchi, for the medical report, "Colonoscopy in the Sitting Position: Lessons Learned from Self-Colonoscopy."
Think: Colonoscopies are never pleasant, but some people have more difficulty with them than others. There's a long tradition of scientists using themselves as guinea pigs—in this case, to explore whether it might be better to conduct a colonoscopy while in a seated versus the usual supine position.
NPR認証済みアカウント @NPR 2時間2時間前 Just in: Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has reached a tentative plea deal with special counsel Robert Mueller, according to a source close to the discussions. [速報]前トランプ大統領選対本部長のポール・マナフォートが、モラー特別検察官のチーム と司法取引で合意
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 59分59分前 Jo Ellison: 'Despite the divisive politics, Nike's strategy is working. In the days since the company announced Colin Kaepernick as their new spokesman, Nike has declared a 31% bump in online sales' ナイキの採用したColin Kaepernick をCMに使う戦略には毀誉褒貶が多いものの、 効果は現れていて、オンラインの売上が31%増加。
The Wall Street Journal has it wrong, we are under no pressure to make a deal with China, they are under pressure to make a deal with us. Our markets are surging, theirs are collapsing. We will soon be taking in Billions in Tariffs & making products at home. If we meet, we meet?
●President instructed trade advisers to proceed with new round 大統領は対中関税の第三段に進むように指示 ●Mnuchin has made overture to Beijing for fresh negotiations ムニューシン財務長官は中国との新たな貿易協議を始めている
President Donald Trump instructed aides on Thursday to proceed with tariffs on about $200 billion more in Chinese products despite his Treasury secretary’s attempt to restart talks with Beijing to resolve the trade war, according to four people familiar with the matter.
But an announcement of the new round of tariffs has been delayed as the administration considers revisions based on concerns raised in public comments, the people said. Trump may be running low on products he can target without significant backlash from major U.S. companies and consumers, two of the people said. この決定はしかし、最終的な修正の可能性を含み、発表が遅れているという
● Manafort admits laundering $30 million related to Ukraine work マナフォートは3000億ドルのウクライナ関連資金のマネロンの有罪を認める ●Stunning turn for aide who had denied crimes for years 何年もの間、無罪を主張してきたトランプ側近マナフォートの転向に驚かされる
Attention will now shift from the prospect of a presidential pardon for Manafort to questions about what information he might be able to provide the special counsel. While none of the charges related to his work for President Donald Trump, he was Trump’s top aide for months during the presidential campaign, and his Russian links are of intense interest to prosecutors. マナフォートが司法取引で特別検察官のチームに協力する転向をしたために、これまで の大統領によるマナフォートへの恩赦の可能性から、彼がどのような情報を特別検察官 に与え得るのかに注目が転じている。特別検察官はマナフォートのロシア・リンクに大 いに注目している。 Asked by the judge whether he understood that his deal with the government required him to cooperate “fully and truthfully,” Manafort replied, “I do.” この司法取引について判事がマナフォートに、特別検察官チームに「正直に全面的に」 協力するかを問うたときにマナフォートは「そうする」と答えた。 The White House, which has repeatedly played down Manafort’s role on the campaign, responded to news of his guilt. “This had absolutely nothing to do with the president or his victorious 2016 presidential campaign. It is totally unrelated,” said Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary. ホワイトハウス報道官のサンダース氏はマナフォートの司法協力について「このことは 大統領や2016年の大統領選挙に全く無関係」とコメントした(後略)
Shannon Pettypiece認証済みアカウント @spettypi 3分3分前(ブルームバーグ記者) A reminder on Manafort cooperation agreement. The government already knows a enormous amount of what Manafort knows. They have his phone, email, and financial records. They seized electronic devices and documents. And what they know may not all be public yet マナフォートの司法協力について:検察は既にマナフォートについて膨大な情報を集めて いて、彼の電話、電子メール、金融情報等を抑えている。検察は情報機器や端末、文書を 抑えている。其れ等の全体はまだ公表されていない。
Aaron @TheSarcasmShow 1時間1時間前(コメディアン、ジョーカー) The news networks need to stop covering #HurricanFlorence because the real hurricane is what is happening at the White House with Paul Manafort flipping. Paul Manafort's Cooperation With Mueller Is the Biggest Blow Yet to Trump The president and his former campaign chairman have spent months sharing information about the Russia investigation. Now Manafort has decided to help the government. NATASHA BERTRAND 12:07 PM ET ポール・マナフォートのモラー特別検察官への司法取引による協力は、トランプ大統領 への、これまでの最大の打撃 アトランティク
Legal experts characterized Manafort’s move as a significant win for Mueller?and a big setback for Trump. “Manafort’s cooperation is a tremendous achievement for the Mueller investigation?maybe the single biggest development yet,” said Seth Waxman, a former federal prosecutor in Washington, D.C. “Manafort provides Mueller with an insider to the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting and likely many other key moments.”
Adam Schiff認証済みアカウント @RepAdamSchiff 1時間1時間前(下院議員、諜報委員会) Manafort’s cooperation agreement is broad and requires him to provide complete and truthful information “in any and all matters” which the government deems relevant. He would be wise to do so, as Mueller’s team has already shown that it will not tolerate obstruction of justice.
Seth Abramson認証済みアカウント @SethAbramson 1時間1時間前(NH大法学教授) UPDATE: Manafort will get somewhere between 17 to 21 years in prison, according to a quick read of this document. His DC and Virginia sentences will run concurrent. If correct, he'll have a chance of being out of prison in his late 80s?if he's still alive. MICHAEL COHEN IS THE LATEST FORMER TRUMP ALLY TO TALK TO MUELLER In the wake of Manafort’s plea deal, sources confirm that it is now common knowledge among Cohen’s inner circle that Trump’s former lawyer has been in contact with the special counsel’s office. BY EMILY JANE FOX SEPTEMBER 14, 2018 3:18 PM トランプ大統領の前フィクサーで個人弁護士のマイケル・コーエンがモラー特別検察官の オフィスにコンタクトし始めている。コーエンのインナー・サークルが確認した ヴァニティ・フェア According to people close to him, Cohen closely watched the White House’s reaction to his allocution in court last month. He listened as Trump railed against anyone who makes a plea deal, telling Fox News that cooperating with the government “almost ought to be outlawed.” And he has bristled at the feeling that he has taken the fall for a man who has refused to take any responsibility or face any consequence himself. In conversations with Mueller’s team, he is making good on what he told ABC earlier this summer: that his loyalty to Trump is no longer his lodestar.
As if Paul Manafort’s flip wasn’t bad enough, former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is talking to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
The Circle Is Closing Around Trump Trump has gone into hiding as his White House tries to change the topic on cable news back to Hurricane Florence, but the reality can’t be denied. The only news that could equal or be worse for Trump that Paul Manafort flipping is Michael Cohen spending weeks talking to Robert Mueller. Trump has shown zero loyalty to those around him, which is why he is getting no loyalty now.
After Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort agreed to cooperate with prosecutors working for special counsel Robert Mueller, President Donald Trump's legal team said "the President did nothing wrong and Paul Manafort will tell the truth." 「大統領には何一つやましいところはなくポール・マナフォートは真実を語るだろう」 Minutes later, they seemed to reconsider. A "corrected" statement removed the bit about Manafort telling the truth. 数分後に考え直して発言を撤回 The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from CNBC asking whether the president expects Manafort to tell the truth. この発言と、その後の撤回について説明を求めたがホワイトハウスは反応していない Tucker Higgins | @tuckerhiggins Published 8 Hours Ago Updated 6 Hours Ago BIG FISH 大きな獲物 After Getting Flipped By Mueller, Manafort Is Existential Threat to Trump There’s no other way to put it: the cooperation agreement with the president’s ex-campaign chief is stunning. Mimi Rocah, Elie Honig 09.14.18 6:29 PM ET 前大統領選の選対本部長であったポール・マナフォートがモラー特別検察官側に 寝返って、事態はトランプ大統領にとって政権存続への脅威となった
Manafort now has to actually cooperate with Mueller. That means, in essence, that Mueller now owns Manafort. Manafort has to do everything Mueller asks: provide information to investigators upon request, testify in the grand jury, turn over documents to Mueller, and testify at trial. If Manafort is truly on board as a cooperator, then Mueller knows, or soon will know, everything Manafort knows. That must be a scary thought for the president.
“Of all the people in Trump’s orbit, the one who most likely has information about a possible conspiracy with the Russian government ? aside from Vladimir Putin himself ? is Paul Manafort.” ロシア政府とトランプ・チームの共謀について、知る人があるとすればプーチン以外は ポール・マナフォートである。
Why and how did Manafort, who owed millions of dollars to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, come to work as Trump’s campaign chair for no salary? How did Manafort plan to profit from his position with Trump? What did Trump know about Manafort’s prior foreign lobbying work when he hired Manafort? Why did the Republican campaign platform change after Manafort came on board, including by changing its stance to oppose providing arms to anti-Russian Ukrainian forces? Manafort should be able to answer these questions and more.
This dramatic event will make Mueller’s credibility soar with the American people. It will make his leverage soar with all parties for the remainder of the investigation. It will make the consequences of a potential Manafort pardon or “Saturday Night Massacre” so devastating for President Trump that both are now unlikely. And it will give Democrats a huge and powerful lift in the midterm elections. このドラマティックな出来事はアメリカ国民のモラー特別検察官への信頼を大きく高める。 今後の捜査への支持を高め、噂されてきたマナフォートへの大統領恩赦を封じ、検察官や 司法長官の解雇を難しくする。更にこれは、民主党への中間選挙の追い風になる。
Jennifer Rubin認証済みアカウント @JRubinBlogger For Republicans who have been carrying water for the president, it might be time to put down the buckets and run for their political lives
PoliticsVideoChannel? @politvidchannel 30分30分前 Wow Alan Dershowitz SAID Paul Manafort's guilty plea was a "big win" for special counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation. HE SAID THIS
"Potentially, Manafort's guilty plea opens up lots of doors that probably haven't been opened before," Manafort plea is new proof that Mueller is Trump's worst nightmare. He's on to him. Harry Litman, Opinion contributor Published 4:00 a.m. ET Sept. 15, 2018 | Updated 9:38 a.m. ET Sept. 15, 2018 マナフォートが有罪を認め司法取引でモラー当別検察官に、kれは協力するという出来事は トランプ大統領にとって最悪の悪夢である USAトディOpEd、Harry Litman(UCLA教授) Trump never expected Manafort to flip on him. The plea and cooperation agreement Mueller won proves that truth is truth, whatever Rudy Giuliani says. トランプ大統領はマナフォートが裏切って転向するとは思ってもみなかった。有罪を認め 特別検察官に協力するというのは、ジュリアーニが何と言おうと事実は事実としてモラー 特別検察官が勝利したということだ。
●Manafort is an object lesson in folly マナフォートの事例は愚かさの実例である Manafort now becomes an object lesson in folly. His hand was hopeless, and the obvious smart play for him was to seek an immediate cooperation agreement with Mueller. There is a distinct advantage for being first in the door, and Manafort had a wealth of valuable information on the Trump campaign to offer. マナフォートにとって賢い戦略は、より早期に司法取引に踏み切ることだった Instead he put all his chips on a dubious pardon strategy that required him, among other things, to trust Donald Trump. Apparently, he finally woke to what a bad bet that was, but way too late ? before his money laundering trial that had been scheduled to start next week, but after he was convicted of eight counts of bank and tax fraud in another trial last month. マナフォートは大統領の恩赦に期待していたが、これは上手くゆかず、手遅れになってしまった For the president, the plea agreement from his former campaign chair is at least a huge blow and potentially disastrous. It had been widely reported that Trump believed Manafort could incriminate him and took great relief from the thought that he would keep his lips sealed. トランプ大統領にとっては、マナフォートの転向、司法取引は大きな打撃で、潜在的に破滅的 であるかもしれない。広く伝えられるところでは大統領はマナフォートが裏切らないと信じていた
More generally, Manafort’s shamed, mumbled court confession to all Mueller’s charges further makes more untenable Trump’s histrionic shrieks of “witch hunt,” which already had been losing purchase.
For Mueller, the conviction and cooperation agreement is the new crown jewel in what already has been the most successful and productive probe of its like in U.S. history. Mueller’s probe has been remarkably thorough, swift and fruitful, and all notwithstanding a fusillade of asinine criticisms from Trump and his allies. He more and more looks to be the president’s worst nightmare, an indomitable adversary who already is on to Trump’s life of lies and will not stop until the truth is out.
President Donald Trump has tuned out his national security staff and soured on Defense Secretary James Mattis because he has come to doubt his political loyalties. 大統領はマチス国防長官の忠誠心を疑うという As Trump has grown more confident as commander in chief, he has started making more decisions without the input of Mattis and other experienced staffers, reported the New York Times. NYTの報道では大統領はマチス国防長官や他の安全保障専門家の意見を求めずに意思決定 するようになってきている。 Trump and Mattis have clashed in the last four months of NATO policy, large-scale military exercises in South Korea, and the president’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. トランプ大統領とマチス国防長官は過去4ヶ月に、NATO政策、米韓軍事演習、イランとの 核合意の破棄などで意見が衝突した The president wants Mattis to be more of a cheerleader, like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, but friends and aides say the defense secretary is not comfortable getting involved in political advocacy. トランプ大統領は国防長官に、よりチアリーダーのような態度、つまりポンペオ国務長官 のような態度を期待するが国防長官はそうしたやり方を快く思わない Mattis has declined multiple requests by the White House to appear on “Fox & Friends” to praise Trump’s agenda, and he hasn’t done many public, on-the-record interviews. ホワイトハウスはマチス国防長官にFOXTV番組の“Fox & Friends” に出演し、大統領の政策 を称賛するように求めたが、国防長官は何度も其れを断っている The arrival earlier this year of Mira Ricardel, a former Boeing executive and Trump campaign aide with a history of bad blood with Mattis, has increased speculation that the defense secretary would be out after the midterm elections ? which could hurt the president’s relationship with GOP moderates. 中間選挙後に国防長官の交代があるのではとの憶測があるが共和党穏健派は其れに反対である
It’s enormously important news for the Russia investigation. Many have long speculated that the special counsel’s main aim in charging Manafort with financial and lobbying crimes was to pressure him to “flip” ? so he’d agree to provide information related to their true concern of whether the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to interfere with the election. これはロシア疑惑捜査で極めて重要で、特別検察官はマナフォートの転向にむけて彼に 圧力をかけてきた Now, it’s happened. And that should make President Donald Trump very nervous indeed. 今や其れが実現し、この出来事はトランプ大統領をとてもなーバスにさせる The deal marks the end of one phase of the Mueller investigation. Manafort’s prosecution was the most visible activity of the special counsel’s office so far. この司法取引の実現はモラー特別検察官の一つのフェーズの終了を意味し、マナフォートの協力 は最大の成果である。 What does Manafort know? So now that Manafort has flipped ? what does he know about collusion or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government during the 2016 campaign? マナフォートは大統領選挙のロシアとトランプ陣営の共謀について何を知っているのか? Previously, Manafort has said the answer is: nothing. That no collusion happened, so he would naturally have no information on this to provide. But it’s seemed likely that Mueller has long believed otherwise, given his intense focus on Manafort. And there are two curious happenings during the campaign in particular that Manafort was involved in (that we know about). 2つの事項が興味の対象で
The Trump Tower meeting: For one, there’s that infamous meeting at Trump Tower that Donald Trump Jr. set up in June 2016 with a Russian lawyer and other Russia-tied figures. 第一はトランプタワーで行われたロシア側とトランプ選挙チームの会議 Oleg Deripaska and Konstantin Kilimnik: Perhaps even more suspicious are Manafort’s surreptitious contacts with two Russian nationals during the campaign. There’s his former client, the oligarch Oleg Deripaska, to whom Manafort was heavily indebted. And there’s Manafort’s longtime business associate Konstantin Kilimnik, who Mueller’s team has said is tied to Russian intelligence. マナフォートのロシアのオリガキーのOleg Deripaskaとの関係、ロシアの諜報機関のKonstantin Kilimnikとの関係 Kilimnik and Manafort arranged a meeting in New York City to discuss the matter on August 2 ? Kilimnik wrote that he had a “long caviar story” to tell and “several important messages.” Days after the meeting, Deripaska took a yacht trip with Sergei Prikhodko, Russia’s deputy prime minister, who is focused on foreign policy. Again, all of this occurred while Manafort was chairing the Trump campaign, before his mid-August 2016 firing. Kilimnikとマナフォートは8月2日にNYCで会合し、この数日後にDeripaskaはロシア副首相の 外交担当、Sergei Prikhodkoとヨットで旅行している。これらは2016年8月中旬のマナフォ−ト の選対本部長解任前である Now, this year, Kilimnik seemed keenly interested in keeping Manafort out of jail ? he was indicted alongside Manafort for obstruction of justice in June, for allegedly trying to get witnesses to give a false story. Yet Kilimnik is unlikely to ever face those charges since he’s currently based in Moscow. 今年、Kilimnik はマナフォートの投獄を避けるために活動し偽の情報を流している。彼は此の件 で起訴されているがモスクワ在住のため懲罰を逃れている We still don’t know what happened between Manafort, Kilimnik, and Deripaska during the campaign. Maybe this where the action on Trump campaign/Russia collusion happened. Or maybe Manafort was just freelancing and trying to get himself paid, and it doesn’t involve Trump personally. But it’s one of the biggest loose ends about what happened in 2016. マナフォートとKilimnik, Deripaskaの間に何が行われたかわは解っていないがロシアとの共謀が 疑われている。何れにせよマナフォートがロシア疑惑の米国側の大きな受け手であることは確実 Whatever the case, Manafort has now committed to tell the Mueller the truth. So buckle up. マナフォートはモラーの検察チームに知るところを話すと約束している。シートベルトを締めるときだ。
Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said Sunday that both President Trump and his former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, "acted too late" to avoid the possible consequences of Manafort's cooperation with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. "Manafort, if he was going to make a deal, should’ve made it before he was convicted. He would’ve gotten a better deal," Dershowitz said on NBC's "Meet the Press." マナフォートは有罪判決の前に司法取引に応じていれば、より有利な立場になれた
"And President Trump, if he was going to pardon, he should’ve pardoned before Manafort agreed to cooperate," he added. "So there’s not going to be any pardon now, and Manafort has a deal. His sentence will reflect how much cooperation he gives." トランプ大統領は、マナフォートが特別検察官チームに協力を約したので、其れ以前に 大統領恩赦を宣告していれば有利であった。いまや恩赦はあり得ないのでマナフォートは司法 取引に応じる。彼に宣告される懲罰は、彼がどの程度、検察に効力するかに依存する。
Dershowitz, who is an opinion contributor for The Hill, said it was possible that Manafort was acting on his own to make money when he communicated with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign. Even so, he noted that Manafort's decision to cooperate with Mueller marked a "very bad day for the Trump administration." Dershowitz on Friday called Manafort's guilty plea a "big win" for Mueller's investigation. "Potentially, [Manafort's guilty plea] opens up lots of doors that probably haven't been opened before," he said. 「マナフォートの司法取引はモラー特別検察官の大手柄で、潜在的にこれまで開かれる事の なかったドアを幾つも開くことになる」
The US still wants to shape Sino-US relations with its strength and consolidate its hegemony. However, today's world will not be easily manipulated by hegemony. China will not passively be subject to the US maneuverings, nor will it allow any super power to achieve its end by peremptory means. It's no longer the time when a country can achieve hegemonic dividends through coercion.
Voters in Ohio ? the electoral bellwether that’s picked the winner of every presidential race since 1964 ? have generally positive views of international trade and want the U.S. to play a leading role in world affairs, according to a new POLITICO/AARP survey. オハイオ州は1964年以降大統領選の勝者を選び続けてきたスウィング州である
No Republican has ever won the White House without carrying Ohio, and the state moved significantly toward the GOP in the most recent presidential election. Trump carried Ohio by 8 percentage points, just four years removed from President Barack Obama’s 3-point victory there in 2012. オハイオ州を獲得しないで大統領選挙に勝利した共和党候補はいない。2016年大統領選挙で は大きく共和党側にスウィングして、トランプ候補は8%の差で勝利し、4年前のオバマ候補 への3%の支持から変化していた。
But the GOP faces the prospect of a snap-back toward Democrats that could cost the party dearly in November. The POLITICO/AARP poll showed Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown well ahead of his GOP challenger, Rep. Jim Renacci, 47 percent to 31 percent. しかし中間選挙を前にオハイオ州は民主党側にスウィング・バックしつつある。ポリテイコの 最新の世論調査では民主党のSherrod Brown上院議員は共和党候補の Jim Renaccに47%:31% てリードしている。
Democrats have a 7-point lead on the generic congressional ballot, 43 percent to 36 percent, the poll shows ? despite the fact Republicans currently hold 12 of the state’s 16 House seats. (Democrats are targeting three House districts in the state in this year’s elections, one of which POLITICO rates a toss-up.) 民主党と共和党への支持は43%:36%で民主党が7%リードしている
One reason for the GOP’s plight is clear, according to the poll: Trump. The president’s approval rating is just 42 percent, and a 55 percent majority disapproves of his job performance. 共和党の苦境はトランプ大統領の支持の低さによるもので大統領支持率は42%、不支持率55%
The top midterm-election issue for voters in Ohio is health care, according to the poll. More than three-quarters of voters, 78 percent, say health care will be very important to their vote ? followed by the economy and jobs (73 percent), Social Security (72 percent), Medicare (68 percent) and national security (66 percent). 中間選挙で重視する政策として最大のものは健康保険である
Rating lower on voters’ list of priorities: taxes (61 percent), drug prices (59 percent), guns (51 percent), immigration (48 percent) and trade (40 percent). これについで税制、薬価、銃規制、移民問題などがある
Part of Trump’s election pitch in Ohio ? and throughout the Upper Midwest, where manufacturing has suffered this century ? was his skepticism toward free trade. But according to the POLITICO/AARP poll, most voters, 61 percent, say they generally believe international trade is good for the country. Only 22 percent say they think trade is generally bad for the country. オハイオ州などのアッパー・ミッドウエストでは製造業が今世紀に衰退しているが、しかし トランプ大統領の貿易政策には批判的で61%が国際貿易は善であるとし、22%が州にとって 悪いという
Reflecting a more traditional political dynamic, the percentage of Republican voters who say trade is generally good for the U.S. economy, 69 percent, is greater than the percentage of Democrats, 58 percent. 国際貿易を善とみる共和党員は69%で、同じ意見の民主党の58%よりも多い
And for all of Trump’s railing against NAFTA ? the mid-1990s-era free-trade agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico ? twice as many voters have a favorable opinion of the trade deal, 52 percent, than view it unfavorably, 26 percent. (Of the voters who said they had heard of NAFTA, 41 percent said it has had a mostly positive impact on the U.S., compared with 23 percent who said it has had a mostly negative impact.) NAFTAについては41%か好意的評価、23%が否定的評価で、トランプ大統領のNAFTAの 扱いには52%が非好意的に26%が好意的に評価している
The POLITICO/AARP poll was conducted September 2-11, surveying 1,592 registered voters in Ohio (toplines, crosstabs), including an oversample of 841 voters 50 and older (toplines, crosstabs). Interviews were conducted online by Morning Consult. The margin of error is plus or minus 2 percentage points for the overall sample, plus or minus 3 percentage points for the oversample of older voters.
米国株式市場はトランプ大統領の中国への追加の関税賦課の計画をうけて下落 3:20p Breaking U.S. stocks losses deepen as Trump plans China tariffs announcement after closing bell 中国輸入品への追加の関税賦課の発表は株式市場のクローズ後の予定 3:19p Trump: Announcement on China will come after markets close
2018 RESULTS Score 01 United Kingdom 80.55 02 France 80.14 03 Germany 78.87 04 United States 77.80 05 Japan 76.22 06 Canada 75.70 07 Switzerland 74.96 08 Sweden 74.77 09 Netherlands 73.79 10 Australia 72.91
20 South Korea 62.75 21 Singapore 62.44
27 China 51.85
Japan is the only country to have moved up the rankings each consecutive year from 2015 to 2018. It is also the only Asian country to break into the top five - as well as the top ten.
>>316 クールジャパンが〜とかいう話かと思ったら、も少しハードな指標なのね Japan is meanwhile trying to foster alternatives to Chinese-led development. In June, Abe set a goal of providing $50 billion in government and private sector investment to in the“Indo-Pacific region”over the next three years. The concept of an“Indo-Pacific”,intended to draw India closer to the US and Japan as a counterweight to China, owes much to Japanese efforts. Abe has championed the concept for a decade, since his first stint as Japanese prime minister in 2006-2007. The recent adoption of the term by the US — for instance, in the renaming of the military’s former Pacific Command — could be called a victory for Japanese soft power.
Financial Times@FinancialTimes・3h The FT View: The US has reasonable complaints about China. Donald Trump's tariffs against the country are anything but.
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump・2h Kim Jong Un has agreed to allow Nuclear inspections, subject to final negotiations, and to permanently dismantle a test site and launch pad in the presence of international experts. In the meantime there will be no Rocket or Nuclear testing. Hero remains to continue being........
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump・2h ....returned home to the United States. Also, North and South Korea will file a joint bid to host the 2032 Olympics. Very exciting! ------------------------------------------------------------------ トランプ米大統領 「非常に興奮している」 Write: 2018-09-19 14:51:28 /
金正恩のいう合意事項について釜山大学政治学教授のロバート・ケリー(朝鮮半島分析) Robert E Kelly@Robert_E_Kelly・57m If we really get inspectors, that is some progress. It’s not nearly enough - no list of weapons and facilities, nothing tangible on missiles & warheads, nothing on human rights - but today was probably enough to keep the process limping along. Which was probably N Korea’s ( limping along=跛行、歩行異常の一種をいい,俗に〈びっこ〉)
intent: give up just enough to keep Trump from giving up, but use the fact that both Moon and Trump are vulnerable - bc they’ve tied themselves so tightly to a NK deal and need the appearance of success - to give up little. And along the way, Kim picks up more photo-ops of him /2
Robert E Kelly@Robert_E_Kelly・1h and diplomats in drab rooms with no TV coverage so that we can finally start getting some hard commitments - on both sides. At this point, after four SK and US summits with Kim, it should be pretty obvious that a Trump-Kim 2 will produce nothing real. Naturally Trump will do /5
it anyway though for the TV ratings and media attention. But after 4 summits with no serious NK movement on the major strategic issues, another Trump summit is probably an error, especially if Trump were to give another unhinged presser like the one after Singapore (unless we /6
Robert E Kelly@Robert_E_Kelly・1h got an upfront concession from NK for the fact of a second POTUS summit, which we won’t because Trump gave up the first one in Singapore for nothing, so Kim now thinks he’s entitled to these). END
Sohee Kim@soheefication BREAKING: MOON JAE-IN, KIM JONG UN TO VISIT HISTORIC PAEKTU MOUNTAIN TOMORROW #??? 金正恩と文大統領は明日、一緒に白頭山を訪問と発表
Aidan Foster-Carterさんがリツイート Faceless Man@FacelessManTwit・1h The big loser from this accord seem to be China, since Chinese fishing boats will be kicked out of the North Korean EEZ bordering the NLL line to eliminate the possibility of accidental conflicts triggered by Chinese boats, and the ROK will rebuild NK's railway. This is critical
Aidan Foster-Carterさんがリツイート Faceless Man@FacelessManTwit・1h It was only days ago that China announced its OBOR initiative into North Korea, and NK's response was thanks but no thanks.
ネバダ州(共和党が現職) 民主党候補=43% 共和党候補=46% Both leads are within the poll’s 4-percentage-point credibility intervals, a measure of precision, meaning the candidates are drawing about the same level of support. 此の調査で4%以内の差は誤差の範囲内で、ほぼ同等とみなすべき
Richard N. Haass@RichardHaass To paraphrase what is said about Brazil, that it has a great future and always will, denuclearization of NK is a worthy goal and always will be. In the meantime, the US needs a real-world policy to deal w NK’s nukes, ICBMS, artillery, and cyber tools.
>>427、428 Jenny Town@j3nnyt0wn The agreement didn’t say they would dismantle Yongbyon. It literally said it is willing to take measures “such as the permanent dismantlement of the nuclear facilities in Yeongbyeon” if US does its part. The details matter
Robert E Kelly@Robert_E_Kelly(釜山大学政治学教授、朝鮮半島分析) Good grief. Maximum pressure disappeared when Trump agreed to meet Kim in Singapore at no cost, just so Trump could get a lot of TV attention and say he did something ‘amazing’ that Obama didn’t do. Smart NK hawks know this. But now Trump-loyalty comes first, wrecking the GOP.
● Voters say 2-to-1 the tax law benefits rich over middle class 有権者は2対1の比率で、減税が中間層以下ではなく富裕層にメリットと見ている ●Tax law looms large ahead of November congressional elections トランプ減税の評価は中間選挙に向けて大きな影響
A survey commissioned by the Republican National Committee has led the party to a glum conclusion regarding President Donald Trump’s signature legislative achievement: Voters overwhelmingly believe his tax overhaul helps the wealthy instead of average Americans.
By a 2-to-1 margin -- 61 percent to 30 percent -- respondents said the law benefits “large corporations and rich Americans” over “middle class families,” according to the survey, which was completed on Sept. 2 by the GOP firm Public Opinion Strategies and obtained by Bloomberg News. The result was fueled by self-identified independent voters who said by a 36-point margin that large corporations and rich Americans benefit more from the tax law -- a result that was even more lopsided among Democrats. Republican voters said by a 38-point margin that the middle class benefits more. 減税が平均的有権者でなく、大企業や富裕層にメリットがあるとする見方は61%対30% で31%の差で非好意的に見られている。無党派層では36%のマージン。共和党支持者は 38%のマージンで中間層にメリットがあると見ている。
The GOP poll comes nine months after party leaders voiced high hopes that the tax law would benefit them politically in the midterm elections on Nov. 6, when control of Congress will be up for grabs. “If we can’t sell this to the American people, we ought to go into another line of work,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in December, after his chamber approved the legislation.
More American voters are against Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, with a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Thursday showing that opposition has increased by 9 percentage points since last month. By the numbers: The poll conducted Sunday through Wednesday, found that 38% of registered voters said they oppose Kavanaugh ? up from 29% recorded last month. 34% support him.
The poll also revealed Kavanaugh's weak support among women: 28% favor his nomination and 42% are against it. Meanwhile, his favorability among men is 41% to 33%. 特に女性層に不支持が多い、支持は28%、不支持は42% 66% of Democrats oppose him and 73% of Republicans support his nomination. 民主党支持者は66%が不支持、共和党支持者は73%が支持
米通商代表部(USTR)の報道官は、現時点では2000億ドル相当の中国製品への関税適 用の免除プロセスに関して発表はないと述べた。 この決定は米企業にさらなる圧力を加える見込み。各社は米中貿易摩擦により不確実性が 高まっている上に、コストが押し上げられていると指摘。全米小売業協会(NRF)など の業界団体はトランプ政権に対し、輸入関税が米企業や消費者に影響せぬよう求めている。 原題:Trump Is Said to Deny Product Exclusions From New China Tariffs(抜粋)
Financial Times@FinancialTimes・7h Opinion: Russia is again flexing its muscles in its new-found role as a linchpin in managing oil prices and a principal architect of a new order for the Middle East.
President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, has participated over the last month in multiple interview sessions lasting for hours with investigators from the office of special counsel, Robert Mueller, sources tell ABC News.
ABC News has also learned that Cohen is also cooperating with a separate probe by New York state authorities into the inner workings of the Trump family charity and the Trump Organization, where Cohen served as an executive vice president and special counsel to Trump for 10 years.
And given Cohen’s prolonged time spent in proximity to Trump, his family and the inner-workings of the Trump Organization, some insiders consider his cooperation with authorities to be one of most serious potential legal threats to confront the president. (後略)
The auto industry fears that President Donald Trump’s threats to place tariffs on vehicles coming into the U.S. could drive the economy into a recession, the head of the largest auto retailer in America said today.
“Everyone in the automobile industry -- doesn’t matter if you’re a retailer, a supplier or a manufacturer -- is freaking out around tariffs on automobiles,” Mike Jackson, chairman and chief executive officer of AutoNation Inc., said
Amid allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh, those surveyed say by 40 percent-31 percent that the Senate shouldn't vote to approve his nomination, the first time a plurality of Americans have opposed a Supreme Court nominee since polling on the issue began. Nonetheless, they also are inclined to believe he will, in the end, be confirmed: Just 11 percent predict he won't; 45 percent say he will. アメリカの有権者は始めてのことに、最高裁判事に指名されたブレット・キャバノー 最高裁判事候補の上院での承認に反対意見を表明。40%対31%で上院は承認すべきで ないとした。しかし(共和党が上下院の過半数を支配する)議会の状況から承認され ることになろうとの見通しが多数(45%)をしめ、承認されないだろうという見通し は11%にすぎない。
The findings underscore the serious political stakes ? and the potential for blow- back in the midterm elections now little more than six weeks away. この有権者の意見は重大な政治的意味を有し、潜在的に中間選挙に影響を与える Beyond a fierce partisan divide, the survey found a definite gender gap: Women by double digits believe Ford's accusations, 35 percent-21 percent. Men by nine percentage points believe Kavanaugh's denials, 37 percent-28 percent. Those views are reflected in the question over whether he should be confirmed. Women oppose him by 20 points, 43 percent-23 percent; men support him by four points, 40 percent-36 percent. ブレット・キャバノー候補を承認すべきでないとする女性は43%で、承認すべきとす る23%を大きく凌駕する。男性は40%が承認すべき、すべきでないが36%;
Just 9 percent of Democrats support Kavanaugh's confirmation, compared with 70 percent of Republicans. Feelings are intense on both sides: 50 percent of Democrats "strongly" oppose him; 49 percent of Republicans "strongly" support him. But he has lost the support of independents, who now oppose him by close to 2-1, 43 percent-24 percent. 支持政党別に見ると民主党支持者は9%が承認賛成だが、共和党支持者は70%が承認す べきとする。無党派層では43%対24%で承認反対が多い; If Senate Republicans push through the nomination, those surveyed predict significant political repercussions. By a double-digit margin, 47%-26%, they think it will hurt the GOP's chances of holding their majority in the Senate in November. By 43 percent-31 percent, they say it will hurt President Trump. もし上院共和党が承認を強行すれば47%対26%で、その結果は中間選挙で共和党の 上院過半数支配の維持に不利になるとみる。また43%対31%でトランプ大統領に不 利になるとみる。
状況分析の評価を変えたのは以下の3選挙区: ●Montana (D ? Tester): Likely Dem to Lean Dem → モンタナ州(民主党が現職):おそらく民主党→やや民主党側に傾斜 ●Texas (R ? Cruz): Lean Rep. to Toss Up ← テキサス州(共和党が現職):やや共和党側に傾斜→接戦 ●West Virginia (D ? Manchin): Toss Up to Lean Dem ← ウエスト・バージニア州(民主党が現職):接戦→やや民主党側に傾斜
*注目選挙区の状況分析・評価があるけれど省略 The Bottom Line 結論 The range of outcomes for the Senate is very narrow. There is a path for Democrats to win a one-seat majority, but it isn’t the most likely scenario. In fact, it’s the third most likely scenario. Despite spending close to $1 billion on Senate races, this may prove to be a status quo election in which the parties swap some seats, but Republicans continue to hold 51 seats. The next most likely scenario is that Democrats end up with a net gain of one seat, leaving the chamber tied but giving Republicans the majority by virtue of Vice President Pence holding the tie-breaking vote. 上院議員選挙について、ありそうな結果を、その確率順にあげると: @共和党が51議席を維持し過半数支配を護持 A共和党、民主党が共に50議席でタイとなり、副大統領の投票権で共和党が過半数支配維持 B民主党が51議席獲得で上院の過半数支配
The White House and congressional Republicans are blaming one another for a difficult political environment that has bolstered Democrats' chances of winning control of the House, and possibly the Senate. ホワイトハウスと議会共和党は互いに困難な政治状況について、中間選挙で民主党が下院の 過半数支配を獲得し、あるいは上院さえ過半数支配を得る可能性のあることについて非難を 始めた Republicans on Capitol Hill say President Trump's lack of discipline and penchant for controversy has put them at a disadvantage, while Trump's political team has grown frustrated with the high number of GOP retirements and poor fundraising totals. 議会共和党はトランプ大統領の言動が抑制を欠き、論争に強い選り好みのあることで不利益 を被るという。一方、トランプ政治チームは共和党議員の引退の多さや資金集めの不十分さ にフラストレーションを示している。 "This election is all about Trump. The White House knows it, and to shift blame is a ridiculous notion," said one House Republican chief of staff. Republicans say strong economic gains should help propel GOP incumbents to victory, but the chaos surrounding Trump has helped negate that advantage.
"We should be talking about the economy, but we're easily distracted," said Rep. Dennis Ross (Fla.), one of several dozen congressional Republicans retiring in early January. "That's essentially the advice that was given two years ago when the Billy Bush incident came out: Everybody better take care of their own district because we're not sure where this is gonna go." The Cohen Files “HE’S COMMITTED TO WORKING WITH MUELLER ON EVERYTHING”: MICHAEL COHEN IS READY TO DIVULGE “HIS DEEP CONCERNS ABOUT TRUMP’S SUITABILITY AS PRESIDENT” Cohen, as people close to him have told me, knows he is going to prison, and has been taking necessary steps to prepare for that eventuality. But in the meantime, he’s coming clean. BY EMILY JANE FOX SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 1:42 PM トランプ大統領の前フィクサーで個人弁護士のマイケル・コーエンはモラー特別検察官に 全てに渡って協力することをコミットしている。コーエンは彼の持つ「トランプ氏の大統 領としての適格性への深刻な疑い」をあばく。彼に近しい人によれば、彼は罪を償うステ ップに従う意志であるが、その過程で真実を話すという。
On Thursday, ABC News reported that Cohen had spoken to Mueller’s team for hours about topics ranging from collusion to possible pardons. 木曜日のABCニュースの報道によればコーエンはモラー特別検察官のチームと数時間に渡 って話し、トピックはロシアとの共謀から恩赦の可能性にまで広範囲のものであった。 One person familiar with Cohen’s conversations explained that while Mueller’s focus is on Russia, their discussions have gone beyond potential collusion. “He’s committed to working with Mueller on everything,” this person said. “Everything. It’s been him saying, ‘these are the many things I’ve lived with for 10 years.’ He is no longer behind Donald Trump with a shovel. He wants to tell the truth about why Donald Trump is unsuitable to be president, about how he is not only dangerous for the country, but disloyal to this country as well.” (A spokesman for the special counsel’s office declined to comment. Both Cohen and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis, tweeted on Thursday night, in part, “Good for @michaelcohen212 in providing critical information to the #muellerinvestigation without a cooperation agreement.”)(中略)
As the person familiar with his thinking told me, “in this chapter of what he has gone through, we are seeing the decision to reset his life and express his deep concerns about Trump’s suitability as president.”
Former member of the House Judiciary Committee Elizabeth Holtzman warned that Michael Cohen’s cooperation with special counsel Robert Mueller is a “time bomb” for President Donald Trump.
MSNBC anchor Steve Kornacki asked the Harvard Law grad for her thoughts on news that Cohen was cooperating with special counsel investigators. “Well, it makes a lot of sense to me that Michael Cohen, who is facing a long jail sentence, would do his utmost to try to ingratiate himself into law enforcement officials programs, because he wants a reduced sentence,” Holtzman explained.
“Maybe they would say something at his sentencing, so he is talking to everybody, as much as he can,” she continued. “He has a lot to say, things that could effect Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference, he has a lot to say about the Trump Foundation, according to the New York State Attorney General, it didn’t adhere to New York State laws,” Holtzman noted. “And he has a lot of things to say about Trump’s business activities.”
“Not to mention Stormy Daniels and that whole thing,” she added. “So Michael Cohen is a time bomb for the President of the United States.”
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 1時間1時間前 "Time for the good ol’ boys to step back": Here's how the sexual assault claim against Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee could affect the way women vote in November’s US midterm elections
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 5分5分前 Theresa May's Brexit plan was shut down and negotiations have been thrown into chaos. Here's how to make sense of it all ? from the best of this week's opinion and analysis.
K.T. McFarland, a former deputy to Flynn, now says Flynn may have been referring to sanctions when the two spoke in late December 2016. McFarland initially said she never spoke to Flynn about his talks with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about sanctions. "Flynn and [McFarland] discussed the U.S. sanctions, including the potential impact of those sanctions on the incoming administration’s foreign policy goals,” per Flynn's plea agreement. マイケル・フリンが駐米ロシア大使Sergey Kislyakとのロシア制裁最解除に関する会話につい て、以前はK.T. McFarlandは、それについてフリントと話したことはないとしていた。 司法取引合意後になって彼女は、モラー特別検察官チームに、フリンと彼女がロシアへの制裁 について議論し、其れが新政権の外交政策に与えるインパクトについて議論したと答えた。
ロビイストで政治工作・活動家のポール・マナフォートの政治工作について モラー特別検察チームの司法文書から読み取れる事実。政治的に都合の悪い 相手を貶めるために「PLANT SOME STINK」ロビイングを行うシンクタン クや法律事務所などを使ってバイアスした、あるいは偽の情報をばらまくと か、メディアに偽情報をリークするなど・・・いわばお馴染みの情報闘争・ 政治工作の手法・・・
Dirk Schwenk@DirkSchwenk 6 時間6 時間前 The Manafort statement of offense provides the blueprint that Manafort was following to discredit an opponent and pump up a client. It is revealing in the time of Kavanaugh. ….
Manafort, like Roger Stone, is the republican godfather of dirty tricks and underhanded and wildly expensive influence operations. Mueller just outlined a Manafort op for us. The facts set out that Manafort created strategy called “Engage Ukraine”. Its purpose was to help Viktor Yanukovych and hurt former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who his client had jailed on trumped up charges to eliminate her as political opposition.
The attack on Tymoshenko had numerous coordinated parts ALL OF WHICH APPEAR TO BE IN PLAY in the attack on Ms. Ford. First, planted stories were pushed out that “Tymoshenko had paid or the murder of a Ukrainian official.” In Manafort’s words, to “plant some stink on Tymo.”
PLANT SOME STINK he says. And that’s exactly what “someone” is trying to do to Ms. Ford. Make it seem like she is guilty of not remembering, or misremembering, or being controlled by lobbyists, or ANYTHING BUT TELLING THE TRUTH.
The plan to plant some stink involved: hiring two lobbying firms, who were required to hide all “fingerprints” of Manafort “to write and disseminate” false news stories. And who is trying to plant false news stories about Ford? These f’ers, at least:
Another part of Ukraine strategy “independent” law firm to write a report; hire a media company to roll out the report; leak the report to favorable press; spin the report, all while having the law firm hide who their real client was. Another aspect of the story: trigger “important” subgroups to help. For Manafort, it was “Obama jews”. For Kavanaugh ... I’ll call it right now. ITS WOMEN. Who is trying buff up Kavanaugh? The list includes these very highly compensated women.
A report written by a United Nations panel of experts has determined that North Korea is evading international sanctions with “seeming impunity,” but a bitter behind-the-scenes battle between Russia and the United States has prevented the report from being made public. 中略)
The latest report—which was obtained by Foreign Policy and remains blocked by the United States—details how North Korean financial brokers operate with little or no constraints in five main countries. It cites a group of nearly 300 foreign businesses and individuals, including 215 from China and 39 from Russia, that have allegedly flouted sanctions by forming prohibited joint ventures with North Koreans. An earlier version of the report was leaked to reporters in August. 後略)
Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him. Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).
In the survey, which was conducted Sept. 16-19, 52 percent of registered voters say they prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress, versus 40 percent who want the Republicans in charge. That 12-point lead for Democrats ? their highest of the cycle in the poll ? is an increase from August, when they held an 8-point edge, 50 percent to 42 percent, although the change is within the survey’s margin of error. グラフ
Among the voters who are most likely to vote ? the first time the NBC/WSJ poll has measured these voters for the 2018 elections ? the Democrats’ advantage falls to 8 points, 51 percent to 43 percent. In the larger pool of registered voters, McInturff points to warning signs for Republicans. They trail Democrats among moderates and independents by more than 30 points; they’re losing women ages 50 and older by nearly 20 points; and they’re behind among voters living in competitive congressional districts by 12 points, 53 percent to 41 percent.
Additionally, a combined 59 percent of voters say they’d like to see either “a great deal of change” or “quite a bit of change” in the direction Trump has been leading the country. That includes 61 percent of independents and even a third of Republican respondents. And by a 42 percent-to-31 percent margin, voters say their message in November will be for more Democrats to serve as a check and balance to Trump and the congressional Republicans, instead of Republicans who will help Trump and the GOP pass their agenda. 中間選挙でトランプ政権の方向に何らかの変化を求める声は59%、無党派層で61%、 共和党支持者の三分の一。 House control edges toward Democrats - CBS News poll Last Updated Sep 23, 2018 10:53 AM EDT By Kabir Khanna and Anthony Salvanto CBSニュース世論調査:中間選挙の下院議員予測:民主党=224議席、共和党=218議席 (誤差は+ー12議席) Democrats remain in a stronger position than Republicans to win the House of Representatives, with their chances having gradually improved over the summer. We estimate that Democrats would win 224 seats if the elections were held today, which is more than the 218 needed for a majority. The margin of error is plus or minus 12 seats, which means that control of the chamber is still in play. While Democrats will almost certainly gain seats, there are still ways for Republicans hang on to control. グラフ
As Senate Republicans press for a swift vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Senate Democrats are investigating a new allegation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh.
The claim dates to the 1983-84 academic school year, when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale University. The offices of at least four Democratic senators have received information about the allegation, and at least two have begun investigating it. Senior Republican staffers also learned of the allegation last week and, in conversations with The New Yorker, expressed concern about its potential impact on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Soon after, Senate Republicans issued renewed calls to accelerate the timing of a committee vote. The Democratic Senate offices reviewing the allegations believe that they merit further investigation. “This is another serious, credible, and disturbing allegation against Brett Kavanaugh. It should be fully investigated,” Senator Mazie Hirono, of Hawaii, said. An aide in one of the other Senate offices added, “These allegations seem credible, and we’re taking them very seriously. If established, they’re clearly disqualifying.”
The woman at the center of the story, Deborah Ramirez, who is fifty-three, attended Yale with Kavanaugh, where she studied sociology (後略)
Financial Timesさんがリツイート Tim Harford認証済みアカウント @TimHarford 2時間2時間前 "We should all prepare for a no-deal Brexit. In the absence of a change of political leadership, a general election in the UK or a change of position by EU leaders, we should consider it to be the single most probable scenario."
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 1時間1時間前 Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, has been accused of sexual misconduct by a second woman
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 4 分4 分前 Brexit will fail to transform Britain into a global services powerhouse, according to a new study by professors at Penn State University and Yale University Kavanaugh confirmation in renewed peril after second assault claim In a statement the nominee made to The New Yorker and released by the White House, he called the allegation a ‘smear’ that ‘did not happen.’ By BURGESS EVERETT, ELANA SCHOR and NATASHA KORECKI 09/23/2018 08:28 PM EDT Updated 09/23/2018 11:55 PM EDT カバノー氏の米最高裁判事指名の議会承認に新たな危機:第二のセクハラ被害者の告発で
Burgess Everett認証済みアカウント @burgessev Privately, several Republicans said they were alarmed by the new allegations, but it is not yet clear whether the party will abandon Kavanaugh. Lots of radio silence from GOP 個人的には幾人もの共和党員が新たなセクハラ告発で議会の承認を警戒しているが、しかし まだカバノー氏を共和党が見捨てるかどうか明確ではない。多くのトークラジオ(保守系) は沈黙している
Adam Jentleson 認証済みアカウント @AJentleson Adam Jentleson さんがBurgess Everettをリツイートしました Publicly abandoning Kavanaugh is the break glass scenario. Before that, there'll be an effort to get him to withdraw on his own. This is far preferable for Senate Republicans & maybe for Kavanaugh himself. The big wild card is Trump. カバノー氏を共和党が見捨てるというのは非常時的のシナリオで、其れ以前に恐らく彼が 辞退して引き下がるように仕向けるだろう。この方法のほうが好ましいが大きなワイルド カードはトランプ氏だ。
Nate Silver認証済みアカウント @NateSilver538 7時間7時間前 Nate SilverさんがAdam Jentleson をリツイートしました Having Kavanaugh withdraw on his own, and doing so as soon as possible, is by far the least-worst scenario for the GOP, politically. Everything else is really, really risky. 政治的には可及的速やかにカバノー氏が辞退して引き下がるのが最も害の少ないシナリオ だが、其れ以外の方法はとても、とても危険だ。
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 38分38分前 Rana Foroohar: Donald Trump's latest round of tariffs represents a true reset of economic and political relations between the US and China ? and the beginning of something that looks more like a cold war than a trade war.
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 1時間1時間前 At least seven tankers carrying Iranian oil are no longer broadcasting their position. Why? So they can sell to unidentified buyers ? as impending US sanctions turns Iranian oil into a pariah product
>>706 Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 4時間4時間前 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe writes in the FT about Climate Change: 'We must take more robust actions. And swiftly.' Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning ローゼンスタイン司法副長官は辞任 Jonathan Swan37 mins ago Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down. Background: Rosenstein talked last year about invoking the 25th Amendment and wearing a wire during Trump meetings, the N.Y. Times' Adam Goldman and Michael S. Schmidt reported last week. He denied both allegations.
Since the sexual assault allegations against him were made public earlier this month, can you think of a single thing Brett Kavanaugh has done or said that makes you more confident that he’ll be a judge of high integrity on the Supreme Court? I cannot. At every step of the way he has acted less like a potential justice and more like a partisan functionary, desperately clinging to the chance at the job of his lifetime. He has, in this way if not others, already disqualified himself for the job regardless of how the (now two) sexual assault allegations against him pan out.
Kavanaugh is not on trial for his life. He’s not a defendant in a court of law. His accusers and their supporters need not make a case of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. They don’t even need to make a case using the civil standard of a “preponderance of the evidence.” This notion that Kavanaugh can convince America that he is innocent by producing his calendar from 1982 is patently absurd in a process in which live witnesses are barred from providing their insight about what Kavanaugh’s life was like in those days. It wasn’t going to fly when Ford was the only accuser. It’s certainly not going to fly now that Ramirez has stepped forward.
jesse @jessetripathi 26分26分前 Outside Sen Flake's office. Remember: A majority of YLS professors signed a letter calling for a full investigation, 100+ YLS students are protesting in DC today, and the school itself has been effectively shut down by a sit-in. YLS does not support Kavanaugh #CancelKavanaugh (YLS=イェール大学・ロー・スクール)
>>715 Julian Sanchez@normative This sounds a lot more plausible. The WH would, for obvious reasons, very much prefer the headline to be “Resigns.” Expect they were quick to leak his acknowledgement of imminent firing as a “verbal resignation” in order to spin the first reports that way.
Nate Silver認証済みアカウント @NateSilver538 46分46分前 Nate SilverさんがJulian Sanchezをリツイートしました 'Verbally resigned in anticipation of being fired" sounds a lot more like fired than resigned.
Bill Kristolさんがリツイート Sarah Longwell? @SarahLongwell25 35 分35 分 Whether Rosenstein is fired or resigns, it's time for Congress to protect the Mueller investigation. The legislation was already passed out of the judiciary committee. Time for a full Senate vote. Rosenstein decision postponed for now as he and Trump set Thursday meeting There were conflicting reports about whether the overseer of the Mueller probe would quit or insist that President Donald Trump fire him. by Jonathan Allen and Tom Winter / Sep.25.2018 / 12:17 AM GMT+9 / Updated 1:43 AM GMT+9 ローゼンスタインの辞職を延期、彼とトランプ大統領は木曜日に会談
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whose job hangs in the balance, will meet with President Donald Trump on Thursday, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Monday. Rosenstein had been expected to learn his fate during a visit to the White House on Monday, but, with Trump in New York for a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, any decision on his future was postponed. Rosenstein attended a regularly scheduled meeting at the White House and was still deputy attorney general when he left at midday.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rod Rosenstein has not resigned and is still serving as U.S. deputy attorney general, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters on Monday.
Rosenstein had a previously scheduled meeting at the White House at noon on Monday, according to a person familiar with the matter. He is still the deputy attorney general and he attending a “substantive meeting” in that capacity, the person said.
The person confirmed that the topic of resigning did come up in discussions with White House Chief of Staff John Kelly over the weekend, but said the Axios report that Rosenstein had officially resigned was incorrect. Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch; Writing by Doina Chiacu; Editing by David Alexander
he bizarre sequence of leaks surrounding the fate of deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Monday morning raised a series of questions about whether President Donald Trump actually planned to fire the man overseeing special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Sources tell Vanity Fair’s Gabe Sherman that Trump over the weekend floated the possibility of firing Rosenstein as a way to knock the scandal swirling around Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh out of the headlines. “The strategy was to try and do something really big,” explained one source to Sherman. Rosenstein still has a job for now, but Trump is scheduled to speak with his embattled deputy AG on Thursday ? the same day that Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford is set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Although Sherman doesn’t know if Trump actually was the person who leaked Rosenstein’s intention to resign, he does note that the leak “certainly had the desired effect of driving Kavanaugh out of the news for a few hours.”
Sherman also reports that Trump has been considering cutting bait with Kavanaugh at the advice of allies who fear that watching a Supreme Court nomination go down in flames will crush conservative voters’ turnout this fall ? thus potentially giving both the House and Senate to the Democrats, who will initiate impeachment proceedings against him. “Trump is finally waking up… that it’s the end of his presidency if he loses the Senate,” one source said. 最高裁判事に指名したカバノー氏が議会の承認を得られず敗退すれば中間選挙で上下院の 民主党の過半数支配を許し、大統領の弾劾に道を開くことになることを恐れている Mueller Asked About Trump’s Link to Billionaire Russian-Azerbaijani Family Publicist Rob Goldstone, who arranged Trump Tower meeting in June 2016 with Donald Trump Jr., met with special counsel team in March By Rebecca Ballhaus Sept. 24, 2018 3:10 p.m. ET モラー特別検察官は2016年6月のトランプタワー会議をアレンジしたロシア・アゼルバイ ジャンの富豪の一家のRob Goldstoneにトランプチームとのリンクを質疑していた
Special counsel Robert Mueller asked questions about the relationship between President Trump and the billionaire Russian-Azerbaijani family who arranged the June 2016 meeting between Trump campaign aides and a Russian lawyer linked to the Kremlin, according to a participant of the meeting.
Rob Goldstone, who worked as a publicist for the Agalarov family and contacted Donald Trump Jr. in June 2016 on their behalf, spent roughly eight hours talking to Mr. Mueller’s team in March. Weeks later, he testified before the special(略)
The Fed will hike rates by 25 basis points on Sept. 26. The decision will provide a vindication of the bank’s decision not to react to problems elsewhere in the world at previous policy meetings. The rate increase will point to the Fed’s continued progress toward fully meeting its dual mandate, based on continued strong monthly job creation and historically low weekly jobless claims data, as well as a wider set of indicators that support the target of 2 percent inflation, including the latest wage-increase numbers in the August jobs report.
【9月25日 AFP】ドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump)米大統領は24日、国連総会(UN General Assembly)のため訪れたニューヨークで、北朝鮮の金正恩(キム・ジョンウン、 Kim Jong-Un)朝鮮労働党委員長を「すごいやつ」などと称賛した。トランプ氏は1年前、 国連総会で行った演説で金委員長を罵倒していた。
CBS News認証済みアカウント@CBSNews "We also talked, obviously, about N. Korea, where we are making tremendous progress. Chairman Kim has been very open and terrific, frankly...We will discuss that for the next couple of days & we will be discussing it now," @POTUS says of meeting with Moon
Robert E Kelly認証済みアカウント @Robert_E_Kelly 3時間3時間前(釜山大学政治学教授 朝鮮半島分析) Robert E KellyさんがCBS Newsをリツイートしました Ugh. Just stop talking. All of you. We’ve had 9 mos now of cringe-worthy praise of a dictator & endless yakking. All we care about is what the N Koreans want for a freeze, or ideally, roll-back of nukes & missiles,& h rights. Can we just get to it already,& w/out normalizing Kim? (cringe-worthy =非常に決まりが悪い;恥ずかしい)(yakking=姦しい)
SAN MATEO, Calif. (KGO) -- Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's roommate from Yale says he believes the second woman accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. James Roche says he was Kavanaugh's roommate in the Fall of 1983. "We shared a two-bedroom unit in the basement of Lawrence Hall on the Old Campus. Despite our living conditions, Brett and I did not socialize beyond the first few days of freshman year. We talked at night as freshman roommates do and I would see him as he returned from nights out with his friends," Roche said in a statement. 1983年にイェール大学在学時にカバノー氏とルームメイトであったJames Rocheが語った "It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk. I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk." 「カバノー氏は普段は抑制しているがヘビー・ドリンカーで、酔っている時にはとても 攻撃的で喧嘩腰にになる。告発のような事例を見ていないが、私の経験では彼は時に過剰な 飲酒で支離滅裂になる」 Roche says he became friends with Debbie Ramirez. "She stood out as being exceptionally honest, with a trusting manner. As we got to know one another, I discovered that Debbie was very worried about fitting in. She felt that everyone at Yale was very rich, very smart and very sophisticated and that as a Puerto Rican woman from a less privileged background she was an outsider. Her response was to try hard to make friends and get along." 告発者の女性Debbie Ramirezについては「彼女はとても正直な人で、イェールの学生の多くが 富裕で洗練され賢い背景のある人達でありプエルトリコ出身の女性である彼女はアウトサイダー と感じているようだった。彼女は友人たちと付き合うために努力していた」 Roche says he does not consider himself to be a political person and went on to say he has no political agenda.
Brett Kavanaugh has never been a popular Supreme Court nominee ? and he’s probably becoming more unpopular still following allegations earlier this month by Christine Blasey Ford that Kavanaugh had attempted to sexually assault her when they both were in high school. No one this unpopular has ever been been confirmed to the Supreme Court; the only previous nominees who polled as poorly as Kavanaugh either had their names withdrawn (Harriet Miers) or lost their confirmation vote (Robert Bork). And all of this polling was taken before at least two other accusations surfaced of potential sexual misconduct involving Kavanaugh1 ? and before Ford and Kavanaugh’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is scheduled for Thursday.
The difference on Kavanaugh is that there are several other conservative nominees who could potentially replace him ? and who may have been better picks in the first place. In other words, you would think Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have better options than rolling the dice with Kavanaugh. カバノー氏以外にも最高裁判事候補の人材はいくらもいて、トランプ大統領や上院共和党 にとって、そちらのほうが(中間選挙のためには)より良いオプション
World leaders laughed Tuesday after President Donald Trump said in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly that his administration had accomplished more than any other in American history. "In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country," Trump said near the start of a speech before the assembled world leaders, prompting audible laughter. "It's so true," Trump continued, before acknowledging the laughter. "I didn't expect that reaction, but that's okay," he said, smirking and raising his eyebrows.
It's unusual for a U.S. president to draw unintentional laughs at a gathering of world leaders, and Trump has long complained that foreign governments are laughing at the U.S. for what he views as weak policies on trade and other issues.
"They laugh at us. Behind our backs, they laugh at us because of our own stupidity," he said in an appearance on "Larry King Live" three decades ago, according to NPR. "We need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World," he tweeted in 2014, well before he launched his presidential campaign.
Kyle Griffin認証済みアカウント @kylegriffin1 Trump says to UNGA, "In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country." There's a little laughter. Trump says "so true" and there's even more laughter. (via Fox)
Glenn Kessler認証済みアカウント @GlennKesslerWP 1時間1時間前 Glenn KesslerさんがKyle Griffinをリツイートしました He really should have combed through his speech to avoid repeating false claims that pop up in his rallies to cheers from his base.
NBC News認証済みアカウント @NBCNews JUST IN: "We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism," President Trump tells the UN General Assembly.
Steve Silberman認証済みアカウント @stevesilberman Trump makes the mistake of assuming that the UN General Assembly is as gullible and uninformed as GOP voters. (gullible=騙されやすい)
At least 30 Yale law professors cancelled classes Monday to allow students to travel to Washington, D.C. and protest Brett Kavanaugh, a graduate of the law school and President Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court. 少なくとも30人のイェール・ロー・スクールの教授が講義をキャンセルして生徒が カバノー氏に抗議するためにワシントンDCにゆくことを助ける
David Nakamura認証済みアカウント @DavidNakamura Trump: "In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than any administration in the history of our country." Audience of world leaders laughs audibly. Trump says: "I didn't expect that reaction but that's okay."
Nicholas Burns @RNicholasBurns 3時間3時間前(前国務省次官) Nicholas BurnsさんがDavid Nakamuraをリツイートしました More than Washington, Lincoln, FDR? Preposterous.
Nicholas Burns @RNicholasBurns 3時間3時間前 A major Trump mistake to to target our closest allies?the UK, France and Germany ?with sanctions over the Iran Deal.
Nicholas Burns @RNicholasBurns 3時間3時間前 The tone of this speech won’t be effective outside Trump’s base at home?boastful, bitter and resentful of countries that “take advantage of us.” He is not leading the world but campaigning against it. #UNGA2018 Poll: Democrats have narrow lead in top Florida contests In the Senate race, Bill Nelson, the incumbent Democrat, is favored by 48 percent of likely voters, while Republican Rick Scott, the state's governor, gets 45 percent. by Mark Murray / Sep.26.2018 / 6:00 AM GMT+9 NBCニュース/Marist世論調査:激戦区のフロリダ州上院議員選挙;民主党候補の Bill Nelson=48%、共和党候補のRick Scott=45%
Democrats are ahead in the competitive Senate and gubernatorial races in Florida, according to a new NBC News/Marist poll of this key battleground state, although their leads are within the margin of error. In Florida's Senate contest ? which could help decide which party controls the U.S. Senate after November ? the Democratic incumbent, Bill Nelson, gets support from 48 percent of likely voters, while Republican Rick Scott, the state's governor, gets 45 percent. Six percent say they're undecided. グラフ:
同じく激戦のフロリダ州知事選挙は民主党のAndrew Gillum=48%。共和党のRon DeSantis =43% And in the gubernatorial race ? arguably the nation’s top contest for governor ? Democrat Andrew Gillum is ahead of Republican Ron DeSantis by 5 points, 48 percent to 43 percent. グラフ:
One reason Nelson is up: per the survey, voters are beginning to sour on Scott, whose unfavorable rating of 45 leaves him at a paltry +1. Conversely, 44 percent of likely voters like Nelson, and 36 percent do not, giving him a mpre palatable +8.
The Q poll saw women with a 17 point lean to Nelson; the NBC/Marist poll shows the Senator up 13 (53 to 40), illustrating that the gender break to Nelson is now becoming a poll trend. Q世論調査では女性票は民主党候補が17%リード、NBC/Marist世論調査では女性票は 民主党が13%リード。 Independents are also breaking Nelson’s way (53 to 37), and with Scott’s unfavorable rating climbing, reversing that trend will be a challenge for the challenger. The Scott/Nelson race is one of the most expensive in the country, with Nelson struggling to match Scott’s pace in the air war. A new ad attacking Nelson for being too old, too far left, or too absent from the Senate drops seemingly every day. 無党派層でも民主党が16%のリード。
Nate Silver認証済みアカウント @NateSilver538 7時間7時間前 And you can see our turnout projection in each district. These are pretty crude but help us to project the House popular vote
Boosted by growing support among suburban women and widespread antipathy toward President Trump, Democrats approach the midterm election poised to make major gains nationwide, a new USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times Poll shows. 郊外居住の女性層の支持の増加などにより中間選挙での民主党の優位が高まっている Democrats had a 14-point margin, 55% to 41%, when likely voters were asked which party’s candidate they would cast a ballot for if the election were held now. If that advantage holds up until election day, just less than six weeks away, it would almost surely be large enough to sweep a Democratic majority into the House. 共和党に比べて民主党の選挙での支持は55%対41%と14%のリードを有し、これが維持 されるなら下院の民主党支配が確実とみられる
n the summer, men were closely divided between the two parties; they remain so now. But women, who already leaned significantly toward the Democrats, have shifted further in their direction, widening a large gender gap. The poll found women now favor the Democrats by 28 percentage points, 62% to 34%, among likely voters. 夏以降、男性の政党支持は民主・共和でほぼ同等に別れているが、女性については大きく 民主党支持にシフトしている。女性の政党支持は民主・共和で62%対34%と28%の差で 民主党がリードしている
Those numbers help explain why suburban congressional districts long held by Republicans ? from Orange County and Santa Clarita to the suburbs of Dallas and Houston and east to suburban Philadelphia ? have become key targets in Democrats’ effort to retake control of the House. 従来は共和党の支持基盤であった郊外の地域で女性層のために民主党への傾斜がある A similar pattern holds among white women who did not graduate from college. Blue-collar white women gave Trump a crucial margin of support in 2016. A majority continues to support Republicans ? by 56% to 39% ? but since the summer, Democrats have cut their deficit with that group by a third. 大卒未満の女性はトランプの支持層で多数派が共和党を支持する。それは56%対 39% であったが夏以降、民主党への支持が増えている The poll was largely completed before accusations of sexual misconduct against Judge Brent Kavanaugh, Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, began dominating the news. Many political professionals in both parties think that controversy could further alienate women from the GOP. 此の世論調査の時期には現れていないカバノー氏の性的暴行疑惑は女性層の共和党離れ を後押ししかねない(後略)
09/26 BreakingTrump says he is not happy with the Fed's interest-rate hike 09/26 UpdatedU.S. government bond yields fall as Fed signals it remains on ‘autopilot’ 09/26 Stocks reverse gains to close lower as the Fed raises interest rates a third time in 2018 5:31p Powell agrees with Bernanke that Congress shouldn’t have taken away Fed’s crisis-fighting tools 5:26p Updated Fed hikes interest rates, signals strong support for another increase in December
09/26 U.S. pulling some missile-defense systems out of Mideast 5:46p Trump: Canada has treated us 'very badly' 5:46p Breaking Trump said he rejected one-on-one meeting with Trudeau New York Times: Kavanaugh Is Accused by a Third Woman of Sexual Misconduct ? Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh was accused Wednesday by another woman of having engaged in sexual misconduct at parties while he was a student at Georgetown Preparatory School in the 1980s. ? The allegation came from Julie Swetnick 最高裁判事候補のカバノー氏の性的不品行について、第三の女性の告発が現れる
Kavanaugh’s support drops 18 points among Republican women, with 49% thinking he should be confirmed and 15% in opposition. When it comes to Trump, support among the same group fell 19 points, with 68% approving and 26% disapproving.
>>853 Financial Times?認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes A third woman has come forward with allegations against Brett Kavanaugh ? including a claim that she had 'become aware' of him and others at parties spiking punch with drugs or grain alcohol so girls could be taken advantage of
A woman who allegedly witnessed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault is prepared to speak to the FBI and Senate Judiciary Committee about the incident. The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Elizabeth Rasor, the college girlfriend of Kavanaugh’s friend Mark Judge, said through her lawyer that she “would welcome to the opportunity” to speak to officials.
The Post acquired the woman’s letter from a senior aide to a Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee. “Ms. Rasor’s recollection of what occurred is stated accurately in the New Yorker piece and she would welcome the opportunity to share this information with agents of the FBI as part of a re-opened background investigation,” the woman’s attorney Roberta Kaplan wrote.
一方、オバマ政権下で米国家安全保障会議(NSC)の報道官を務めたネッド・プライ ス氏は、戦争になれば「相当な数の犠牲者」が見込まれるためオバマ氏は北朝鮮との戦 争を検討していなかったと語り、トランプ氏の発言に異を唱えた。 トランプ氏はこの日、北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長から新たに「非常に素晴らしい」 書簡を受け取ったと、安倍晋三首相との会談の間に明らかにした。書簡の内容には言及 しなかった。 原題:Trump Tosses Out Deadlines on North Korea Denuclearization Plan(抜粋)
アマースト・ピアポント・セキュリティーズ・アンド・キャピタル・エコノミクスのエ コノミストらは、7−9月(第3四半期)の米国内総生産(GDP)成長率見通しを引 き下げた。この日のデータが出る前にブルームバーグがまとめた調査では、3%成長が 予想中央値だった。 原題:Tariffs Start to Drag on U.S. Economy as Trade Deficit Widens(抜粋)
NATE SILVER5:04 PM This is a liveblog, so I’m just going to tell you what I’m thinking: I think it seems pretty damned obvious that Kavanaugh is lying about questions surrounding his drinking habits. I think he’s concluded that he has to lie about them because if it can be established that he drinks to the point of blacking out or at least “getting fuzzy,” then his denial isn’t worth very much when Ford said the incident occurred when Kavanaugh was very drunk. He might undertake the strategy of lying about his drinking habits whether he was guilty of the assault, innocent of the assault, or was too drunk to know either way. But if you’ve been following the details about this case, it’s very, very likely that he’s knowingly lying about his drinking habits.
MEREDITH CONROY5:22 PM So far, I think Democrats have been pretty effective in two ways. First, by highlighting that the FBI investigation is being blocked by Republicans, and it is up to Republicans to reverse this. Second, if their goal is to suggest Kavanaugh was a reckless youth, Whitehouse and Klobuchar, in particular, did well. Whether or not that behavior will be seen as disqualifying for the bench is another question.
NEW YORK (AP) ? When Barbra Streisand started writing lyrics for her new political song, "Don't Lie to Me," she initially aimed for "very subtle" references to President Donald Trump. But she couldn't help herself. "I just went ballistic," she said.
"Don't Lie to Me," released Thursday, finds a passionate Streisand questioning the nation's leader and pleading for change. Lyrics include, "How do you sleep when the world keeps turning?/All that we built has come undone/How do you sleep when the world is burning?/Everyone answers to someone." (略) "It's important that people vote. It's important that people believe in the power of their own voice and how much that changes things. It's like the kids speaking out, the Parkland kids," she said. "It's easy to feel powerless now but we're not if each of us speak up and get out and vote," she added.
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 2時間2時間前 Breaking News: Tesla shares fell 5.6% after the US Securities and Exchange Commission brought a securities fraud case against chief executive Elon Musk. テスラ株は5.6%下落
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 2時間2時間前 Is a second referendum that might stop Brexit really possible? The FT looks at whether ? and how ? one could come about.
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 1時間1時間前 Breaking News: The Senate judiciary committee has voted to endorse Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court ?but at the last minute, a key Republican stunned the panel by saying his support was contingent on a one-week FBI investigation.
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 2時間2時間前 Breaking News: Facebook has reported a cyber attack affecting up to 50m users that allows hackers to take over people's accounts
米シンクタンク、カーネギー国際平和財団(Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) のフィリップ・ルコー(Philippe Le Corre)氏は、サイバーセキュリティー問題がますます 各国政府の重要な懸念事項となる中、中国の「デジタルシルクロード」に巻き込まれるより、 EUが推進する透明性のほうが魅力的であることが証明されるかもしれないと指摘する。
>>967 Nate Silver認証済みアカウント @NateSilver538 1時間1時間前 Nate SilverさんがGallupNewsをリツイートしました There's never been much of a gender gap in views of the Supreme Court but now suddenly there's a huge one.
The American Bar Association says the Senate should not hold a confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court until the FBI has investigated sexual assault allegations against him that were made by Christine Blasey Ford and other women.
Citing the ABA's "respect for the rule of law and due process," ABA President Robert Carlson wrote in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, "The basic principles that underscore the Senate's constitutional duty of advice and consent on federal judicial nominees require nothing less than a careful examination of the accusations and facts by the FBI." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avi Selk / Washington Post: The American Bar Association had concerns about Kavanaugh 12 years ago. Republicans dismissed those, too. ? History repeated itself. At least it had a spell of deja vu when the American Bar Association released an extraordinary statement at a crucial moment that raised concerns アメリカ法曹協会はカバノー氏について12年前にも関心を寄せていた。歴史は繰り返す
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 25 分25 分前 The FT View: The UN General Assembly in New York this week was just more evidence that the old world order is shaking at its core
A new poll conducted last week by the Florida Chamber of Commerce shows Democratic gubernatorial nominee Andrew Gillum has increased his lead over Republican opponent Ron DeSantis to 6-points The poll, conducted Sept. 19 through Sept. 24, found the Tallahassee Mayor and his Lieutenant Governor pick, Orlando-area businessman Chris King, with a 48-42 percent lead over the former Congressman, who is running alongside state Rep. Jeannette Nunez.
Republicans in the Senate agree to delay a vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation for one week to allow for an FBI probe into allegations of sexual misconduct against the judge, according to a statement from the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday. "The supplemental FBI background investigation would be limited to current credible allegations against the nominee and must be completed no later than one week from today," the statement says. President Donald Trump, through his press secretary, says he has ordered the FBI to conduct the investigation. Tucker Higgins | @tuckerhiggins Published 3 Hours Ago Updated 18 Mins Ago